Dr Kaye Gersch PhD
psychoanalytic psychotherapist | clinical supervisor | couples therapist
Jung Zoom Study Group Dates 2020
Jung Zoom Study Group Dates 2020
March 31st April 28
May 26 June 23
July 28 August 25th
September 22 October 27
November 24th
What do I get when I join the monthly Jung Study subscription series?
- Course material consisting of a combination of written notes, YouTube links, audio files, and a list for additional study. This material will include archives from C.G.Jung himself, Marie von Franz and James Hillman. With additional contribution from contemporary Jungian and Post Jungian such James Hollis and Thomas Moore. This comes to your email address 2 weeks before the Zoom meeting date. This is once per month - 10 times per year.
- A list of study questions to focus your personal study in preparation for the Zoom meeting. The study questions will also help you prepare for informed discussion.
- 90 minute Zoom meetings with other subscribers, with focused discussion on the study questions.
- The Jung Zoom Study Group meets via Zoom on the third Tuesday, March to November at 6
- 9 sessions per year, from March to November
- A reliable internet connection
- Have Zoom downloaded on your computer. I will send you an email invitation to join the meeting about 15 minutes before we start.
Here are samples of what we contemplated together in the past. Please make suggestions for subjects for future study!
Zoom meeting April 17th: anima and animus - is this concept relevant today?
First we have Jung himself giving his views on anima and animus. Then other famous Jungians give their views. You will need to listen several times. We are focussing on the animus, i.e. the masculine in a woman's psyche, in this month's study.
Now we get to the core of our work for this month. I am referring you to a recording by Robert Johnson, made in the 70s.
The Double Animus- the transposed heads.
The Transposed Heads comes from a legend of India, which was written down by Thomas Mann and published by Penguin Random House.This is an absolutely fascinating story. The most important message is at the end. Robert is challenging us to think about the animus differently. He believes that a new form of relationship between men and women is possible. What is it? Listen carefully, as we will be discussing this and I hope you will have formed an opinion!
Study question.
What was Jung 's theory of the animus?
Which explanation of it did you find most convincing?
And secondly, what different attitude is Robert proposing?
Is this idea useful for you to understand your own psychology? Why?
Additional study material for April 17th.
If you are very keen, here is some more on the anima and animus- in my view well worth the reading!
This is a written article by Jungian Gary Toub on the masculine and the feminine, and you can access it here.
He gives reasons why this idea of Jung's is still relevant, and reasons why it is not.
You will need to scroll down to get to the artlcle.
What do you think?
Zoom meeting May 15th: The Hero's Journey
The Hero's Journey is a favourite of Jung's and many contemporary Jungians. The mythologist Joesph Campbell took the Hero's Journey as the primary myth for our time. He was consulted by George Lucas in the making of Star Wars.
And, if you are hankering for more of Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell, here it is!
Now we move on to a lecture recorded in May, 1987, by Robert A. Johnson. He reflects on the contemporary relevance of the myth of the hero, for both men and women.
This recording is part of the archives of the Jung Society in Houston: www.junghouston.org/bookstore
Click here to listen to part 1 of this lecture.
Study Question:
Is the archetype of the Hero's Journey equally applicable to men as to women?
And to all stages of life?
Is it a linear process, or cyclic?